Change of address
When moving to a new residence it is required that you fill in and submit the Residence Registration Ministerial Module (“Modulo Ministeriale di Iscrizione Anagrafica”) to declare your change of residence. The Registry Office (“Anagrafe”) will complete the registration in 2 business days and will arrange inspections, within the next 45 days, to verify your legitimate presence at the new address. At this point your registration will be confirmed. One can apply for a change of residence from another municipality - change of residence from abroad - change of residence within the same municipality (change of street and / or house number and / or internal number) - transfer of residence abroad. The Registry Office does not register change of domicile (“cambio di domicilio”).
Contact office: Registry Office (“Anagrafe”)
Phone: 0536 240146 - Counter: 0536 240140 - 240.141 - 240.142
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 8.30 - 13.00
Thursday 8.30 - 17.30
Piazza Libertà 33, 41053 Maranello (MO)